Friday, March 20, 2020

Time To Hit Pause

It’s important now to take every possible precaution and abide by our 
governor’s mandate to close up shop ~ we hope it won’t be for long but 
most of all, we want everyone to take care of themselves and stay well!
Our plan right now is to reopen on April 1st.
In the meantime, all 28 of our vendors, designers and artisans are diligently 
working from home on their projects, hand crafted pieces and one of a kind 
designs so that when we reopen ~ you can expect an abundance of fresh 
merchandise. We will continue to post vendor's pics here, on Facebook and
Instagram and our website is open 24/7 for you to browse.
For now, we wish everyone well and hope to reconnect with you very soon.
Should you need to contact us, you can reach us thru our email at: or you can still phone the shop 
@ 619-222-9244 and your call will be forwarded.
Be well.
Time to stop and smell the roses.

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