Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Coming Up Roses

Spring florals are out in abundance here at the shop ~
from fabulous paintings and vintage fabrics
to rose covered book jackets.
It’s a beautiful sign of spring  
and a great reminder that ~
in nature and in life
one must always take time to…
Stop and smell the roses!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Springtime Palette

Loads of fabulous spring finds are coming in
Au Revoir - cocoa browns...Bonjour - pastel spring palette!
Time to feather our nests for this joyful, new season.
Heureux Printemps!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bonjour Printemps!

The clocks have sprung forward,
 the sun is out
and now it’s time to tend the garden.
Bienvenu Springtime ~
Let the garden parties begin!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Details, Details

It’s all in the details…
Sometimes a petite element has as much impact as a grand statement piece.
It’s all about
highlighting what you love.