Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Prepping for Summer!

 We're prepping the shop for summer ~
Come S E A it all beautifully unfolding!
And Mark Your Calendars:
Flea by the Sea
10 to 3

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fun Shops Here: Saturday, May 20th

What’s more F U N than a day at the beach?
A Day #S H O P P I N G at the beach!!
Join us for ~
 Flea Market Fun ~ Under the Sun
at our annual
Flea by the Sea
Saturday, May 20th
10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Our vendors have ALL the goods for
Vintage Power Shopping ~
 by the sea, by the sea!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Girls just want to have fun!

Mark Your Calendars
Come for ~
S u n, F u n
and our annual
Flea Market at the Beach!!
We know how to kick off Summer 2017!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Beau Geste

beau geste  noun /bo-`ZHest/ [F]:
1] a very kind and generous act.
Origin / early 20th century: French, literally ‘a splendid gesture.’
2] when you’re at a vintage show and you admire a beautiful
item that’s part of a display and not for sale, and then later, the owner
of that beautiful item sends it to you as a most thoughtful surprise.
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Merci beaucoup mon amie Rita Reade for my fabulous gift ~
`Beau Geste` doesn’t even begin to cover it!