Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Le Carousel Bar


If you haven’t been to Wolfie’s Carousel Bar

that just opened in Little Italy, with its full size, 

carousel bar that revolves around the bartender every 14 minutes…

You are in for one ~


Featuring French bistro classics, each one a mouth-watering, 

mini masterpiece, and unique craft cocktails (with ice cubes carved 

with Wolfie’s carousel logo, bien sur), this is an unparalleled dining 

and visual experience and gift to our city!

Vignettes is proud to have supplied furnishings, fixtures, lighting, mirrors 

and accessories for this amazing, fete d’accomplia one of a kind, 

Parisian, bar/restaurant/landmark that is truly a must-see destination 

in San Diego!

Vive La Wolfies’s!

2401 Kettner Boulevard

Suite B

Little Italy


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